
Dancercise comments… I just loved this morning’s class, best class ever!! Congratulations. The rhythm of the music you chose was perfect to dance to, the dances (most of which were new to me) were easy to follow. Mostly uncomplicated but all achievable, which is always a nice feeling. Great atmosphere among the girls, great timing from you…

— AH, NSW South Coast

I love going to Energising Chair Yoga classes because I always learn how to improve my posture and confidence. They are so much fun!

— S.A. NSW

Marilyn’s flexibility in changing the course to suit our needs demonstrated a very experienced and talented teacher…

— Monica, Counsellor

Marilyn is a motivated and perceptive coach. My sessions with her were very rewarding and helped me gain a new direction. The sessions were all different - she worked from where I was at, and brought in new ideas and perspectives for me to consider.

— Cheryl, Project Manager Sydney NSW

I really relax in Marilyn’s Chair Yoga sessions and have learnt some valuable techniques in letting go of stress.

— Sue Jamison, Grandmother NSW

Recently, I attended a “Living Joyfully” retreat facilitated by Marilyn Martin. What can I say? AWESOME, AWESOME AND MIGHTY AWESOME! You were “INSPIRING”, “EXHILARATING” and “ENCOURAGING” You made all of us feel very enlightened. At first we did not know what to expect in this retreat. You were very down to earth and with the activities you presented and made us all feel like coming out of our comfort zone and just joining the spiritual energy that was shinning our of you.

— Della Fondaumiere

Marilyn Martin came highly recommended to me when I was organising a major weekend event for my business colleagues. It is to her credit, that with only sparse briefing on our part, she was able to quickly read the participants and their needs and effectively weave her activities into the overall program. Her delivery is refreshingly smooth and effortless, from an organiser’s viewpoint.

The participants looked forward to doing her activities which she presented in an easy, fun and creative way. After her sessions, which she varied over the weekend, we felt energised, clear-headed and ready to go back to our program. Her innovative parachute game stands out as being an incredible catalyst to melt away the inhibitions that arise when new people come together and it bonded the group of seventy, within minutes.

Looking back on the weekend, I can see that Marilyn was an integral part of the event for she stimulated and relaxed us whilst we had fun along the way!

— Silvana Dimech-Conti CEO, Paragon Consulting International

Thank you Marilyn for your contribution to the success of the Women’s Information Days in Sydney, Parramatta and Wollongong. Your session at all of these days were rated highly. It has been a pleasure working with you.

— Leane Flaherty, NSW Premier’s Department

Marilyn. I did your weekend course a couple of months ago and just wanted to let you know how much it has helped me to put things into perspective and manage my stress levels. I have continued to practice the meditations, as a daily discipline and as a result have become a good deal more insightful and peaceful.

— Mary Raymond Writer, Melbourne

Just to comment about the course “Living Joyfully” and how much fun Marilyn Martin made the weekend. It was really special with singing, dancing, meditations, laughing exercises which all makes you feel young and spontaneous. Invigorating and energising that is what makes Marilyn a good teacher.

— Angelina Skiable

Working together with Marilyn on a presentation I had to give enabled me to gain a lot of clarity around what it was I wanted to create for my audience. Together we came up with some creative ideas for engaging the audience. The talk was a great success. Marilyn is a great listener, who speaks to and from the heart and so brings a great deal of warmth and wisdom to the coaching relationship.

— Fiona Kem Leiper, Facilitator & Trainer, Brisbane QLD

I feel that my body gets re-energized, my mind becomes clearer and my spirit totally refreshed after one of Marilyn’s classes.

— Gail Sutton, Teacher Sydney

Thanks again for the wonderful weekend at the BK retreat. It was great to experience your energy & passion and you created the space for us all to enjoy a magical weekend and a great way to start the year. Have already watched/participated in your Yo Chi DVD, thought it would be good to install some new habits and its a great start the day.

— Stephen Fearns, Leadership Consultant & Life Strategist

Marilyn is a gifted teacher and makes our classes a very enjoyable time.

— Deenise Carington, Personal Assistant, Sydney

Yo Chi is an inspiring movement & meditation program which everyone can benefit from. I recommend it to anyone who wants to have a better awareness of their posture; gain more flexibility; feel centred and energised.

— Dr Joanna Hickey, GP Medical Practitioner, Victoria

You have inspired me to look and listen to my self. I enjoy each treatment so much as you they are always varied and seem to just hit the right target! Marilyn has amazing healing hands.

— Jane Williams, High School Teacher, NSW

I found Marilyn’s approach and preparation for each coaching session thoroughly professional. Her calm supportive manner quickly established a sense of trust and common purpose. Her excellent listening and feedback skills and well structured questioning technique readily facilitated effective deep personal reflections and new personal insights. At the end of each session I felt that I had learned more about myself and my habitual behaviours and thought processes.

By the end of our five coaching sessions, Marilyn had guided me to and through significant breakthroughs. Marilyn’s coaching has had a powerful initial impact which is continuing to shape my thinking and behaviour.

— Annette Whiley, School Development Officer, NSW

Thank you so very much for a wonderful experience, which I will always treasure. I received so much from your sessions. Your attitude, spiritual content and love and passion for whatever you do rubbed off on us and for me personally, on my spiritual journey, a special connection.

— Greta H, London UK

I have attended Marilyn’s Yo Chi classes and as a result I am a calmer and more centered person. Marilyn is a wonderful teacher, nurturing and down to earth. Her students leave her class feeling relaxed, invigorated and happy they came. She is inspiring and has given us greater awareness. Thank you Marilyn for your encouragement.

— Kathy C, Sydney NSW

I really relax in Marilyn’s sessions and have learnt some valuable techniques in letting go of stress.

— Sue Jamison, Mother, Sydney

I attended the Women’s retreat that you facilitated at the Brahma Kumaris retreat centre in Leura. It was the best gift I could have given myself. I have found it to be a very transformative experience. I remember at the beginning of that retreat, you said to us “YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE THIS WEEKEND” and I was secretly thinking to myself “yeah right… we’ll see about that…”. You are a great teacher. It was such an inspirational and life changing experience, and has truly changed my outlook on life for the better!

— Shanice, NSW